Section 4: Lone Working


Lone working is defined as: Those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision

This means you don’t have to be physically alone but could be in the vicinity of others in a separate location.

Your key responsibilities as a volunteer or employee are;

  • Always ensure someone knows where you are
  • Take care of your own Health and Safety
  • Understand the hazards you face and don’t take unnecessary risks
  • Inform your line manager of any Health and Safety shortcomings or health issues, e.g. epilepsy
  • Cooperate with your employer – in your case, your Trading Company.


The Workplace;

  • Your workplace should have a safe means to get in, i.e. you need to know how to operate doors, locks, alarms etc.
  • Some areas will be out of bounds and this must be respected
  • You should have a safe means of exit in the case of an emergency, especially if you are working out of hours as main exits may be locked
  • There needs to be adequate lighting and toilet facilities
  • If in doubt, contact your line manager and never put yourself in danger


Only do;

  • Activities that you are authorised to do
  • Visit locations you are authorised to visit
  • Use equipment you are authorised to use


If confronted with an aggressor;

  • Stay and speak calmly
  • Avoid an argument
  • Keep a safe distance, ideally with something in-between you
  • Don’t turn your back on them
  • If they are trying to steal, give them what they want
  • Attract attention from others as soon as it is safe to do so.


Once you have read the above content and are confident you understand it, please proceed to the next section.


Proceed to Section 5: Fire Extinguishers


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